Don’t be Mean

My venerated Why Was I Ganked? channel is dedicated to helping miners understand why everybody wants them dead. I could tell you it’s all because of James 315, and his wonderful blog, but James knew a deeper source.

People have been shooting Highsec miners from the beginning, when my Imperial Guards first claimed Halaima and the Greater Lonetrek. One evening, in Second Life, I met with James, Helicity, Karttoon, and the Sheikh. We became kindred spirits, mutually inspired by ancient tradition. More than twenty thousand years ago, the Spartan ephors declared an always war upon hapless helots. This established a fundamental law. The haves must exterminate the have naughts. Their villages must be burnt, their trees shall be uprooted, and their heads will be piled into neatly organized pyramids. إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ

aphreshmc just didn’t get it. It often confuses miners, when we patiently explain why they were punished for illicit mining. They cry out in vain, gnashing their teeth, “But I wasn’t mining!” Just calm down miners, you are guilty.

Miners have endless excuses.

aphreshmc had been arrested in Obanen, where he was found adrift within an asteroid belt, orbiting the stormy sixth planet. PRO TIP: A ‘speed tank’ is only effective when you are actually moving. No loitering!

It has been observed that EVE is boring, spreadsheets in space, and not for everyone. As aphreshmc’s eyes fluttered, his subconscious instinctively resigned itself to death. It was an internal coup. His brain recoiled against bot aspirancy, and went on strike, refusing to participate in a mindless repetitive PvE grind.

aphreshmc was disappointed. What was the point of playing a game that you can’t even sleep through? He just hated the idea that he might actually have to try and pay attention. Meanwhile, Sargon of Amerish patiently explained that aphreshmc’s undocking rights were rescinded, until further notice. 

aphreshmc Pedro didn’t like this. He wanted to fight, but didn’t have a ship.

The notion of personal responsibility was utterly foreign.

Pedro braysn jill sputtered, with a corrupt vocabulary.

Polish Assassin reminded jill of his her own família.

This was a trigger.

Her Jackdaw was gone forever.

Her wife was gone forever.

What to do?

Hey, it’s never too late to embrace Gay Pride!



Should EVE become a spaceship theme park, with CCP catering to AFK carebear tourists? Have you ever wanted to lazily traverse a videogame galaxy, admiring tens of thousands of uniquely identical planets? If this sounds great, Voets Toets is hoping you will chime in with support for his proposal!


Voets wants a ‘tourist race’ which enjoys a five minute invulnerability, whenever another player targets their ship. All new players will be automatically enrolled as tourists, and they can remain tourists forever, freely enjoying all the PvE content they desire. What a brilliant idea! I can’t think of any objections.



One thought on “Don’t be Mean”

  1. “Don’t be mean”

    I’m tryin hard not to be mean, but voets toets is an idiot. Why try to change a game like EvE? If you don’t like the PVP sandbox, get out. It’s really all about him, huh?

    What a cowardly carebear.

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