Hey there.

I’m a subject matter expert (SME).

Welcome to Part II of my FanFest Presentation.

Miners have been stalking gankers for years.

Sometimes, they just want to say hi.

Believe it or not, there are women in the galaxy.

I’m doing great, btw.

You just can’t win Incels Online.

Some people can’t decide if I’m a guy or a girl.


In game or out of game.

Ain’t no man getting attention like this.

If I ‘win’ EvE, at least you’ll know why.

Regardless, boys only want one thing from me.

Whatever I am, they love it.

Honestly, some of them are just plain crazy.

He wants me to commit suicide, in real life.

Blocking him doesn’t work.

I’ve blocked him at least 100 times.

Ain’t I a woman?

(yes he drew that)

Here’s the same guy, a month later.

Same guy, twenty minutes later.

Three minutes later.

Another month later.

See what I mean?

Oh look, another antiganker.

These plebs are obsessed with me, in real life.

I deserve it – right?

Oh boy, it never stops.

The diagnosis is clear.

I’m gonna blog.

Some of this is funny.

Most of it is cringe.

Some of it is mental.

All of it is batshit crazy.

Oh man, I really missed out.





To be continued…

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