Aiko Danuja, The Low

I’m in Uedama.

I’m not sure what’s going on, over there.

Look, I’m in Uedama.

I am still in Uedama.

You don’t want to fall asleep here.

Today, we exorcised a ghost.

What is this?

Haha, lol.

Check it out.

That’s hard to read…

We are a complete AG Corp. For High Sec Only. We believe that all players should be able to freely access all areas of High Sec without the fear or worry of Ganking from other players.

We are launching an initiative to put an end to high cost “permit”, CODE Ideology. Permanently.

We know that CCP encourages Ganking. We know it brings them revenue and content. We get this, however, with the players that we save in game, showing that more will pursue a future in the game, with all the new games out there, it’s already a dying game. Only when is the question?

So we want to keep it goning, and not drive new players away, like the Ideology of CODE and its affiliates, aka Safety. As of star date 2024. These need to be RED For All who don’t gank, those are the Main Two. Along with more, ask us for an Updated Gank List. We can Send it to you, our scouts are noting their new alts every day.

We provide PROTECTED Mining Fleets, Protected Hauling Fleets, Anti Ganking Fleets with Jamming Services, FOB Erratication Fleets, and Stealthy Wormhole Encounters. We can be contracted to CYNO, even Covertly. Whatever the need is, as to Anti Ganking, or the Needs of AG, we will be there. Even in Null Sec, taking out their assets. We will be there. They all must go!

Join us now, lets start something different. Lets actually make a safer place in High Sec, Lets show the numbers to be able to pull changes being made in the game. Forever taking out the trash and Multiple Personalities that we all know as the Multi-Box Ganker. Aiko Danuja the Low.
Along with all of her associates. the two or three that there are.

With enough numbers and player retention, Yes CCP will see this, and then we can ruin the gameplay of ALL GANKING in high sec. We only believe this needs to happen in High Sec for the original intension of Low Sec, is for what they do naturally anyways, so we don’t ask for that to chance, Only High Sec.

Lets work together for the benifit of all, rather than the few. Lets help one another rather than steal lie and cheat each other out of our time effort and will power to even play, Lets have a change, that we can put a future to. We can get to know each other through. And when our enemy’s see us, we’ll ask… “Are you Ok?”

What are you waiting for… Join Today!

Best Wishes and Fly Safe

How inspiring.


Cheerzah brav!


I get asked a lot of questions.

For example, why was the miner ganked?

Some miners get ganked more than once.

I always follow the rules.

Mining permits are on sale now.

I care about each and every newbro.

New player applications cost merely 75 million isk.

Is Nezmeyana actually a new player?

Scroll down to find out!

What did you guess?

It was the moment of truth…

Did you guess correctly?

Nezmeyana is a full grown spaceadult!

She is not a new player.

This was unfortunate.

Fortunately, Nezmeyana had more isk.

Another satisfied customer.

I am always happy to help.

This miner was assigned to Isanamo.

A few minutes later…

Oh nooo….

This was a real learning experience.

I’m sure everyone had fun.


Honestly, I just want your isk (and your killmail).

See ya!

Absolutely Crazy

Listening to: Cat Sky Hates PvP

Absolute Order has crazy people, with crazy ideas.

Meanwhile, they are incompetent.

Will Blackflag save their carebear pets?

Here’s one former Absolute Pleb.

zxcxzx caught him attempting to mine alone (and AFK).

Poor Cat Sky was bullied out of the AO blob.

He sure talks a lot, about me apparently.

What an incoherent clown.

What will he say next?

I don’t even talk to his type.

Cool chat bro.

Check it out.

Just another 2011 newbro.

See you around kitty cat.


Code Ready Gelhan, Part 52

Listening to: Get Well Soon

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 1

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 51

It was the most expensive ship xAtlas42x ever lost.

This made it difficult to fly fearless.

Mission Ready Mining had a real mining problem.

New players were quitting the game, due to endless boredom.

However, Assistance Group was determined to help.

Just in time, Kurisa finished her eyeshadow.

It was time to play EvE Online.

Kurisa, aka Kalorned, is a certified mining instructor.

This time, the Tunnel Snakes won.

This was before my time.

Slayer got slayed, and his own alliance mocked him.

Gandaulf the DeGrey is no longer laughing.

CCP was gonna need to patch the game.

Meanwhile, the biggest corporation in Highsec enjoyed rapid growth.

Hundreds of newbros were joining!

The alliance grew twenty percent in four months.

That was the start of a long slow decline.

Things were about to get worse.

To be continued…

uh oh spaghettio…

Absolute Racism

Listening to: AO Downfall

Trigger Warning: Blatant Racism in EvE Online

Hey there.

We’ve all heard the rumors.

Absolute Order is absolutely racist.

These are real screenshots from EvE Online.

Oh wow, ok.

See what I mean?

We have no tolerance for casual breakfast Klingons.

They cannot be reasoned with.

It’s not just the racism.

Absolute Order is absolutely mental.

We know how to deal with this.

Just bump them all.

Governor Lee done goofed.

Consequences will never be the same.

We’ve met before.

Haven’t we Mr Governor Lee?

That’s right.

We go way back.


What will MrLee think of next?

Suck It

Miners love the attention.

DillonEllett > imma keep drinkin and just say i know the life yea lol , and your the osmon boss
DillonEllett > sup im about that life lol what stops you from the med fish i see your kb ,miners yes easy fish “big” kill them all afk or bot / why do you not kill the l4 – i get it if you save/alt your shit ,fun times right , so if not AND IF THIS IS YOUR MAIN FUN , im just lookin to be you know a spy , this is what i do when my boys are off so your here always im around maybe i fit passive and scan fits and you know they sit still ?
DillonEllett > hello?
DillonEllett > you put me on hold fker lol
DillonEllett > 15 mins i rl stuff i do have a lady and kid but i got that then down the street for drink brb sorry
Aiko Danuja > haha have a drink on me

That’s why they never shut up.

Welcome to EvE Online.

This is not a paid advertisement.

It’s not an easy game.

It feels good to bully Highsec miners.

It’s a lot of fun.

I find it amusing.

I’ve even met some interesting men.

Cheerzah brav.

End of an Era, Part 17

End of an Era, Part 16

It was a rainy day in Incursion Town.

The roads were infested with rats.

Editor’s Note: The original design of incursions, developed by developers who no longer develop the game, was for players to race through a maze of tunnels filled with scary space monsters… whoever made it first, could fight the BIG BOSS MOTHERSHIP for isk and glory.

In 2024, Wrathful Hawk decisively won the game.

Outwitting the carebears, he went straight through lowsec.

Along the way, Hawk met a few friends.

These boys took their entire bling fleet through Vecamia.

It’s a shortcut.

This is was some real content, in EvE Online.

Sun Tzu said the greatest warriors evade battle altogether.

That was EvE Online in its finest hour.

What happened next?

Highsec carebears failed again.

This was the typical cry and whine.

Hawk simply outplayed the plebs.

To be continued…

How to Sell a Mining Permit, Part 316

Listening to: Hahaha

Here’s to thirteen fourteen years of failure in Uminas!

At least I’m having fun in EvE Online.

Here’s a neat trick.

First, I gank them.

Then, I gank their friends.

Next, I undock the big bomper!

This usually gets their attention.

Talking to me, or my alts, is one dangerous game.

Highsec is a Safe space!

No free samples.

Miners are tightfisted Scrooges.

Have you heard of Aiko Danuja, the greatest player in EvE Online?

I make things happen.

I’m a real content generator.

Once you meet me, you’ve already lost.

This miner was one tough negotiator.

Every miner is a little special.

I’m a helpful princess.

Fortunately, mining permits are still in fashion.

However, after payment, he immediately blocked me.

I guess I can sell this permit to someone else.

I’d call that a win.


Contest Rules: Send 1 billion isk to Aiko Danuja, and guess the magic word. Put that as the payment reason, and receive one (1) entry.




I eventually taught Lady Krabs to unblock me.

I make the galaxy go round.