Yria is Syria, Part 2

Yria is Syria, Part 1

Silent Company had a lot to say.

So I sent bumpers after them.

Eons ago, James 315 was a bumper.

One bump can change the course of a fleet.

It took John E McCain, just four days to subdue Greater Ottawasa.

Local went empty.

On Day 5, Phoebe Beeblebrox tried to break the blockade.

Georgia B Dixie (aka John E Normus) was on the case.

The illegal miners were escorted away.

An empty belt is a compliant belt.

To maintain tranquility, Georgia would cloak after each bump.


To be continued…

ArchyZavr Sells A Mining Permit

We’ve met Archy before.

Archy was the guy who funded Aikotown.

After swiping his credit card, Archy got bored.

He recycled his Jita trade alt, into a ganking alt.

PvP, not wealth accumulation, is the real game.

Isk can buy ships, but it can’t buy fun!

That’s right.

Abduleljudiopalestino tried to scam Archy.

We gave Abdul some legal advice.

However, he immediately tried another poverty scam.

Sometimes, you have to start small.

…then you can get the rest.

Another satisfied customer.

I was ready to make delivery.

He never did complete his delivery payments.

It was a real learning experience.

I wish him all the best in EvE Online.


Abduleljudiopalestino > scammers veteran im fucking noob

Abdul is not a new player, he’s just a dumb vet.

Newbro Archy outplayed a guy with years of experience.

Nice job Archy.

Christmas Deathwish

Listening to: Precious

EvE Online has some interesting characters.

Sometimes they go too far.

This is the story of Longtooth the Miner.

Hey there.

Normally, carebears use a Vexor.

He found me attractive.

Never trust a man who mines in Highsec.

He actually was a new player.

Barely eighteen years old…

Just another antisocial sociopathic CEO in EvE Online.

We soon learned a shocking truth…

This guy is a total pleb.

Just then, Good Girl Kara tried to stick up for me.


Just a typical Highsec miner.

At least he’s not mad.

He’s just… not well in the head.

What a guy.


Novus Plebbo

Listening to: CASTOLE RADIO

It’s no secret.

We were in CODE, and they weren’t.

They were are mad at James 315.

I call them gankbears.

After James died, it was time to take out the trash.

So we got rid of Hrothgar Nilsson.

However, he made his own alliance, pretending to be us.

Like, for real bro.

James called them ‘former fans’.

[ 2017.03.24 22:58:46 ]
Hrothgar Nilsson > i’m about to go mining.
Hrothgar Nilsson > undocking in my mining ship. gank away.
Hrothgar Nilsson > these are not competing professions
Hrothgar Nilsson > the whole is greater than the sum of its part. Null-sec F1 monkey + agent, or miner + agent, or station trader + agent….. you get better at both by being both
Hrothgar Nilsson > i have successfully baited half a dozen concordokkens

Hrothgar runs a mining alliance.

Sad, but true.

Weird, but true.

So I accepted his challenge.

Doctor Zarkov > i made billions that is just a minoe drawback

AFK carebears aren’t real gankers.

They use their character bio as a blog?


Gankbears just grind for isk.

I PvP for fun.

He didn’t want that pod anyways!

Here’s another Plebbo scout.


That’s right.

That’s right!

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #248

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #247

Nobody can read it all.

An ocean of salt, decades deep.

In EvE Online, you can be anything you want.

Some people are crybabies.

I’m just a tabloid journalist, in outer space.

I’m also a social worker, and your new high princess (hi there).

By many accounts, I’m the best.

I run a real bad corp.

It’s an intergalactic cartel.

My friends are happy to help.

We go way back.

I’ll see you on the gates.

Cheerzah brav.