Mission Ready Mining, Reloaded

Listening to: Hazards

Fly Fearless alliance should be afraid.

They are not mission ready.

They are barely able to compose a coherent sentence.

However, miners are still men of a sort.

You know how men are…

I’m mission ready sexy.

The Devil only wants one thing.

This sexy talk concerned my IRL boyfriend.

So naturally Devilishh was sent to miner’s prison.

Meanwhile, Tweeps decided it was time to have the talk.

Uh oh.

It is what it is.

To be continued…

That’s right.

Tee Ka Gets PkD, Part 4

Tee Ka Gets PkD, Part 1

Previously, on AikoBomp

Tee Ka became an antiganker.

Then he invited me to mine with him?

However, I’m not a miner.

This would imperil our friendship.


The poor little guy got gunked on (yet again).

So Tee Ka cried at his best friend, Piper.

He urged her to betray Aiko!

To be continued…

Tee Ka Gets PkD (yet again)

Tee Ka Gets PkD, Part 1

Previously, on Aikotopia.com

Tee Ka became an antiganker.

Nothing could calm him down.

However, first he had to survive.

Unfortunately, this would require a lot of Highsec mining.

As an antiganker, he did his best to warn other miners.

However, he still has a soft spot for me.

In fact, Tee Ka has a lot of ganker friends.

He listed each of them.

It’s fair to say, Tee Ka likes me a lot.

However, he questions my good nature.

For some reason, he told me all about himself.

The antiganker decided to try his luck.

To be continued…

Tee Ka Gets PKd (again)

Previously, on AikoBompr

Tee Ka declared himself a miner rebel.

The poor little guy had a rough time in Highsec.


He vowed to become an antiganker.

Tee offered a lot of folksy wisdom.

As a member of my mining corp, he struggled to make miner friends.

The rebel leader had a curious history.

Like most Highsec miners, he was pathetic.

What would happen next?

To be continued…

Rebellion in Kamio

Cultural Center is a miner bumper.

100 million, or risk bump.

Muutaras urged the miners of Kamio to revolt.

Longtime readers will recall Kamio has always been uncivilized.

Muutaras vowed to devour the griefers.

He stood proudly on his soapbox.

Cultural patiently explained the law.

He also taught Muutaras some history.

Does anybody remember JTClone Ares?

Thanks for the free isk, bro!

Muutaras began brainstorming a plot.

Unfortunately, his rebel clout was diminished by his own history.

Muutaras is a graduate of the Princess Aiko School of Mining.

Even rebel leaders need a mining permit.

Muutaras made Cultural feel better.

Doidn That Braking

That ended poorly.

On Day 4, Andres M Afanador reflected on these events.

What are we even talking about?

Oh right, now I remember.

That’s right.

Andres finally admitted he’s a miner, and never tough.

I wen t so salty, cuz some people enjoy mining.

Andres, I’m sorry – you deserve a free mine on me.


Unfortunately, Andres still blames me for his failed mining.

Indeed, doidn that omg brake CODE.

Andres was neither the first, nor the last.

Miyammato Musashi is another loosely affiliated mining alt.

CODE. jump freighters are often salty.

No, your random mining alts are not automatically blue.

I don’t know what you are talking about.

That’s when things got weird.


Going South

Wormhole aficionado Stony wrote our editors.

There’s a video of Andres M Afanador?

There’s a video of him mining??

OmG! That’s him – THAT’S THE SAME GUY!



I want to be his friend, but he keeps mining.

That’s not ganking – that’s turbo crabbing!

A full decade of shameful mining.

Why Andres, why?

Years apart, me and Chance had the exact same question.

He love mined on us both.

Andres, real love doesn’t require mining.

Andres, please stop…

He loves us, but he is not loyal to us.

I hope he calms down.

That’s actually embarrassing!

On behalf all your friends, Andres, just stat some ramson.

Why Mine?

A lot of One people felt I was hard on Andres.

Andres enjoys a relaxing mine.

That sounds like fun, right?

Why else would anyone mine?

Amazing content, in real-life and in EvE Online.

Andres, you have to choose, me or the ice.

It’s an addiction.

There’s only one solution.

Friends don’t let friends mine.

There’s much better content.

That’s why they call me Aiko.

It’s like a reverse Awox.

Yo, she cried less than Andres!

Internal Affairs Debrief – Bonus Extra Room 17T

I was cleared of all charges.

Mining Andres

Listening to: Minimal Techno Classic 3

That’s a lie.

Andres M Afanador is a Highsec miner.

Like most miners, he just doesn’t get it.

Andres, we are not into mining.

Recently, Andres began mining for BLACKFLAG.

Apparently, they’ve fallen on hard times.

Andres, you need a mining permit!

So then the ganks began…

A gentle reminder to stop mining.

He actually thought BLACKFLAG would protect him?

Breaking News: Andres M Afanador caught mining in Highsec.

Our leadership has a consensus.

We all wanted a solution, including Tweeps (aka James 315).

Meanwhile, Andres was (not) salty.

Andres isn’t in my alliance, and he is mining. Is that loyalty?

Andres, I find your loyalty insufficient.

The diplomatic situation was deteriorating.

Fortunately, my friends are not stupid.

Andres the antiganker failed again.

Nobody likes an antiganker.

This is how things work in Highsec.

Stop mining.

Pay your taxes.

Obey the CODE. Safety agents.

Seek help.

Never go full miner.

Those minerals I mine are freeREEE!

Andres had a little too much ice.

I hope he calms down.

That might be difficult.

Bee well!