Earn Aiko Points

Gyatt Festival, Dodixie Federal Test Center – Stardate 23360

System: Misneden

Today, I am nullifying all outstanding New Order shares. They no longer have any value whatsoever. For those who donated, I say “Thanks for the free isk, bro.” So now what?

You must pay again!

Highsec deserves better. Since I always be best, I am perfectly positioned to provide points for every citizen of Aikospace, ensuring isk flows for eternity. Even a bearpleb can succeed through my grace. In ganking,you can and will be saved.

I am pleased Aiko Points are available for merely 1 billion isk. Each capsuleer must purchase as many points as they can, in addition to the requisite mining permits, travel visas, and/or blue passes. To encourage you in this quest, bonus points will be awarded at the following tiers: 5 billion, 20 billion, 100 billion, 315 billion, 1 trillion, and 5 trillion. Furthermore, a very special reward will be offered to each shareholder who is the first to claim a bonus tier, and annual shareholder parties will celebrate the most generous supporters of Highsec ganking.

In fact, I have decided the ultimate second-place in EvE Online will be whomsoever sends the most isk. I ask, “How much isk do you have, and why?” This is your chance to find out. Unlike you, I guarantee that all isk will be used for ganking. Now that’s a square deal! 

ISK, assets, skill points, shares, and PLEX can always be sent to Aiko Danuja, to finance Aiko points. Every purchase will be formally acknowledged, solemnly honoured, and joyously commemorated on the brand new leaderboard, which I will update once I am done investing your isk. This is all outlined in my original shareholder agreement, as codified by myself. That’s reasonable and fair.

Russian Invasion

Listening to: Russian Hard Bass

Oh, hey there.

I want to understand.

Well, okey-dokey!

What a fun miner.

dark eniken is from Ostingel.

Where his alliance was recently Snuffed Out.


Men often struggle to express emotions.

I’m glad he felt confident.

Mmm, that sounds nice)))

He soon reverted to his indigenous tongue.

I need a hole to work job.

Please don’t knock my teeth out(((

…but we are the ones killing EvE, right?

That’s right.

Sarcasim and Sarcasum

Cool story bro.

Some miners are into pegging.

I don’t judge.


It’s about the hypocsy.

Highsec miners are weirdos, irl.

Antigankers are especially dumb.

Gankers are always on system.

Yes, he’s lonely and bad at EvE Online.

If you are a fury, Safety is the place for you.

Every miner needs a Safety helmet.

If you are feebleminded, you may enjoy mining.

Consider yourself manifested to text.

What a guy.

To be continued…

Seek Help

Listening to: All the Things

If you are planning to kill yourself, dial 911 (999, 110, or 112).

If you are thinking about suicide, dial 1-800-273-8255.

If your suicidal thoughts involve isk or PLEX, dial 1-800-BETS-OFF.

If you are threatening to kill another gamer, call 1-800-799-7233.

In some cases, people may react with unhealthy behaviors in a situation that seems disproportionate. Many people find it challenging to admit they are angry. Contact a therapist today, and learn how to calm down!

If you are encouraging someone to commit suicide, call 1-800-225-5324.

If you are also intoxicated, call 1-800-356-9996.

This is EvE Online, not BDSM Online (unless you allow it).

Bailey 2 Madullier > I must say, this opperation you’re running here is incredibly cringe
TheInternet TweepsOnline TheInternet > Hit me with more of that sweet zoomer lingo

Apparently, zoomers want everybody dead.

Wo bruh lik ur podzizzle wuz lik mt ite.

We are trying to sell permits, this is not a therapy clinic.

What a typical miner.

Seriously, seek help.

I mean, seriously.

Like, for realz yo.

Just calm down.

Anyways, good chat.

Come on man, don’t do that.

I need to see a therapist myself…

Like wtf…

Ok buddy. *eyeroll*

Oh, there’s more negging?

Cheerzah brav!

Over the Top

Listening to: Bad Little B

=Trigger Warning: This is EvE Online=

Yesterday’s post was over the top.

It’s normal.

Str8taGEM is a real gem.

He wasn’t even raped ganked.

I don’t want to kill myself!

Please don’t make me kill myself.

Ok, let’s look.

Oh, absolute trash…

Not in my Highsedc…

Look, if you are a c-licker, call me.

Boy, he got double podded, and Heydiedled.

Don’t make me kill myself, please!

We are suicide gankers, not suicide miners.

Omg, another one?

See what I have to put up with?

Well, at least I met someone.

…and that’s the news from Highsec.

Pop make money
You know I win
I got drive
I don’t need new fame
Paint the town red
Foot to the metal
Called your bluff
Fame ain’t something I need
Money ain’t what I fiend for
I said what I said
Cite the source
I don’t care
I’ll take a whole lot
My happiness is all of your misery
I am so much fun
My love and energy
Can’t talk no shit
I have magical foresight
Give me the chance and I go there