Listening to: All the Things

If you are planning to kill yourself, dial 911 (999, 110, or 112).

If you are thinking about suicide, dial 1-800-273-8255.

If your suicidal thoughts involve isk or PLEX, dial 1-800-BETS-OFF.

If you are threatening to kill another gamer, call 1-800-799-7233.

In some cases, people may react with unhealthy behaviors in a situation that seems disproportionate. Many people find it challenging to admit they are angry. Contact a therapist today, and learn how to calm down!
If you are encouraging someone to commit suicide, call 1-800-225-5324.

If you are also intoxicated, call 1-800-356-9996.

This is EvE Online, not BDSM Online (unless you allow it).
Bailey 2 Madullier > I must say, this opperation you’re running here is incredibly cringe
TheInternet TweepsOnline TheInternet > Hit me with more of that sweet zoomer lingo
Apparently, zoomers want everybody dead.

Wo bruh lik ur podzizzle wuz lik mt ite.

We are trying to sell permits, this is not a therapy clinic.

What a typical miner.

Seriously, seek help.

I mean, seriously.

Like, for realz yo.

Just calm down.

Anyways, good chat.

Come on man, don’t do that.

I need to see a therapist myself…

Like wtf…

Ok buddy. *eyeroll*

Oh, there’s more negging?

Cheerzah brav!