Our elite nullsec forces continue to dominate the Expanse.
Mick Jee was frustrated when Panbears couldn’t wouldn’t properly fit their barges.
Tarkay Utrigas wondered how his fellow miners could be so poor.
Truthfully, we have infiltrated the Horde, at the highest levels.
Their intel channels are utterly worthless.
However, mining foreman Scorching Bagel Twice has no time to defend his fleet.
Consequently, some miners have capitulated, paying tribute unto their Highsec overlords.
It’s our little secret.
They dared us to go to null, and so here we are.
I’m just a girl, but I’ve got a lot of boyfriends.
So just watch what you say.
Someone might be right next to you, in your corp and in your fleet.
I can be a little mean.
Some guys kinda like that!