The New Order is a wonderful community.
Everybody is having a great time.
Mining permits are now on sale!
We are here to help.
Believe it or not, some miners thank us.
Some pay for nothing at all.
Others pay me to gank them.
Pumpkin Singingblade > i am a fan of perma loss
Pumpkin Singingblade > the fun of the game is to risk assets
hiboman man > so what are you going to do now
Aiko Danuja > since you enjoy the risk, you should pay me
Pumpkin Singingblade > well
Aiko Danuja > I forego free AFK mining isk in order to bring you the fun and enjoyment you desire.
Some people wonder what’s the difference between Safety. and Code.
I suppose there’s not much difference at all.
Me and James even ganked the same miner.
So let’s just pipebomb the haters out of existence !