Manic Velocity is full of it.
On his propaganda stream, Manic Velocity tried to create an echo chamber, in which the only allowed opinion is that gankers “want” salt and are “going for” salt. The implication is that gankers are griefers, because they are trying to provoke an emotional reaction. Although ganking is acceptable, griefing is not!

Ganking is fine, nobody has a problem with ganking, but gankers are griefers! Every carebear knows ganking is allowed, but it goes too far when ganking affects another player…

I watched the video again, to ensure I heard correctly. Manic said, “[Hateless] was salty… he was really upset. The fact that he was having this reaction on camera… that’s what the gankers were going for. That’s the reaction they wanted.” Those griefers!

I objected, asking how Manic Velocity knows what we want. He has never spoken to us, but claims mystical insight into our motivations. He then denied that he ever claimed this!

When I observed that he said otherwise, he banned me. This led to a debate over whether “good fight” is a malicious form of griefing, followed by a discussion of blowjobs and golden showers.


Fortunately, Brisc Rubal knows that other show is “weird as hell”, and agreed to actually talk to gankers.
I reccomend you listen to Globby, Joe, Jason, and Zaenis. Great guys! Some people wonder why I wasn’t there, but Queen Elizabeth didn’t have time for interviews, and neither do I. I’m busy ganking miners, but I was pleased to hear that people think I’m the best ganker, the cutest ganker, and the most vicious ganker in the game. That’s right!

Unlike carebear talk shows, the Meta Show doesn’t ban people, even though they disagree with the speakers. This creates a community with open discussion and reasonable debate.

When you actually talk to gankers, it’s hard to argue that gankers are griefers. This is why carebear talk shows have to ban gankers, because if you talk to us, we say things like “Ganking is good for new players…” and “Highsec miners are toxic…” These arguments are compelling, and any rational person will support us.

Ganking makes EvE a better game.

Fleablock wondered about the rumors.

Did Aiko serve in the Beeitnam War?

Who do you think organized the Perimeter Front?

Other people wanted to discuss Orcas.

Hawk intends to kill Orcas, until Hateless stops whining.

Will Highsec miners ever stop crying?

This might take awhile!

Miners are already complaining to Hateless.

Brisc Rubal brought our community together.

Gankers are opposed to genuine harassment: racism, sexism, and death threats. However, ganking is not actual harassment. Unfortunately, some people think ganking is griefing, because emotional streamers voluntarily share their absurd reactions.

What is the final verdict?

If you are a streamer, you are not exempt from PvP. So if you don’t want to be ganked on stream, then don’t stream! You are the one streaming, you are the one broadcasting your reaction to the entire galaxy, and nobody actually wants to watch your boring video.