I always think, ya know, I got other things I’d rather do than play EvE Online, or write about it… but then I log in, and encounter the incredible stupidity of Idiocracy Online.

Previously, I discussed how incompetent antigankers continually fail, whilst roleplaying success. It’s never clear what they accomplished, but they sure as hell didn’t stop any gankers.

Recently, we spotted Highsec Plebtards camping Juunigashi with Stormbringers, desperately hoping to sperg lightning bolts in a windowlicking attempt to save a freighter.

The obvious solution was to warp into Uedama (with the dummydumdums following like Keystone Cops), as we then warped into Ikao, and back into Juunigashi to kill the target.

I could not conceal my contempt.

I honestly question the time I’ve invested in EvE, but at least I’m going down in history as the all time greatest. However, how does one justify investing even more time (years more than me), and yet failing to come close? It’s like, when you are slamming homeruns out of the stadium, how can you possibly have respect for a permapleb who is drunk on antifreeze and all-you-can-eat chilidogs?

Running a bunch of alts is bad enough, but imagine running a bunch of alts and failing to accomplish anything!

Apparently, some people refer to their alts as “we”.

The antiganker posed an interesting question…

I once heard of a turboautist, who wasted years following Jason, Joe/Bob, Aussie, brainlet, Benji, loyal/Trump, etc.

This goblok would always believe he saved a freighter, proudly proclaiming, “Freighter saaaaaaaaved.”

I simply cannot stand a stupid man.

However, did “we” save the freighter?

Apparently not!

Suddenly, the loser didn’t want to gloat.

Eventually, he showed the true nature of the whiteknight.

I believe him.

I’m cute!