
As with the old MinerBumping blog, there is often rancorous debate over who deserves acknowledgement, when, why, and how much.

As always, shoutouts are available for the low price of just 1 billion per shoutout. As an example, I will give a PAID shoutout to Bei QiAo. If I had a hat, I’d tip it, but I don’t. You are doing a great job buddy, keep up the good work.



Rusell has been antiganking for awhile.

He’s not very good at it.

James 315 found Rusell amusing. I would know, because we’d stay up late at night, holding hands and talking about the blog.

James was right all along… Rusell is an odd duck. My sources in the antiganking community tell me that he has been trying to rile them up against me (me!), as a part of a campaign to literally remove PvP from Highsec.

Even dedicated antigankers find him to be an extremist.

Now that I’ve become James 315 (in real life, but not in game), Rusell has found himself orbiting me endlessly, at all hours of the day. Wherever I go, there he is! He doesn’t do much, but he is awful chatty.

Recently, I told him of my plans for an Aiko statue.

Like James before me, Rusell awaits my inevitable permaban.

Rusell positively hates me!

I’m next on his list.

Why did Rusell become a career antiganker?

He’s a very private man.

However, he recently opened up about his feelings.

He likes Notepad, and hates PvP.

We had a private conversation.

He apologized profusely.

I now have his explicit consent to gank.

He left me with one piece of advice.

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