The Best Revenge, Part 80

The Best Revenge, Part 1

Previously, on James315.Space… Ancient prophecies came true, despite vain protestations from the faithless, and Aiva Naali (aka ‘quantum’) decided it was time to get the band back together. As our ‘lil bullet once again sets course toward Chicago Nullsec, we now continue with the rest of the story, as James 315 always intended.

There was only one problem. Just as the mighty CODE. alliance cannot achieve success through fantasy roleplay, neither could quantum conquer the real-life galaxy by raiding the laundromat and an adjacent junkyard. Miners can never hope to become stone cold spacelords, at least not without a little help from their magical friends. As the session’s designated gamemaster, Kalorned described the scene. When our powerful warlord checked his state correspondence, he noticed a bill from the War Council’s Official Financial Group. That’s right, it’s official, and that’s a big deal!


It’s easy to dream about building a space republic, just as James 315 once sat in Arvasaras, plotting his fateful course toward Halaima. Quantum knew the direction he wanted to go, but could he afford the butcher’s bill? Indeed, it had been some time since Agent Anvil made a payment, and Goonswarm Logistics was growing impatient.

Like any chief executive officer, Quantum gave the statement a cursory glance…

When you took the sum total which Quantum already paid, exclusive of funds diverted for private luxuries (such as rorquals, mining titans, vanity nyxes, personal hauling service, or ethical skillpoint doubling) and adjusted for various sundry fees and surcharges, it was clear that Quantum owed 20 billion isk (OEIP, or equivalent in PLEX). If he did not pay immediately, late fees would continue to compound, and his War Council Director’s campaign would face a potentially irrecoverable setback. Fortunately, there was some good news. If Quantum paid now, he would qualify for rewards!

The financial statement came with a special message from MiniMed

Quantum read every word of the memo, nodding with concern at the gravity of a global pandemic. This was no laughing matter!

Aiva didn’t need to write James and beg for guidance. He knew what to do.

To be continued…


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