Tueries de la Semaine

Bonjour, les amis! I woke up this morning and thought, “Oh boy! I can’t wait to see the Kills of the Week!” Without further ado, here are some ourses that got evicted between August 16th @ 00:00 EVEtime and August 22th @ 23:59 EVEtime.


May Hamu filled her Bestower with garbage, and couldn’t even be bothered to go full MWD cloak trick fit. Fortunately, Cargo Bandit enforced the Code. Great job!


Zigler was preparing to disband, when he got assistance from Joel Kusion, Jayson Kusion, Jason Kusion, Justin Kusion, and Master Kock. What nice boys!


They claim we are afraid to leave Highsec, but CODE. enforcers had no qualms about entering Niarja, even after it lost high security status. Autumn Schereau joined a coalition fleet with Pen Is Out, Test Alliance Please Ignore, Brave Collective, and Goonswarm Federation. Yes, TEST and the Imperium are at war, but we cooperate against the miners. marley rockwell was astonished by how quickly his Sleipnir was erased.


Seancelm was using his Orca as a storage unit, when Zopiclone, Krominal, Shilliam Watner, AGBee 513, Catalyst Whisperer, Rafa Quinterro, and The Kitchen Samurai arrived to take out the trash.


Suta Camelia adorned her Leshak with green and blue, but this didn’t save her from Never Gonna SeeGrandKids, Shadow Redemption, and Keraina Talie-Kuo.


Krispy Hirl was moving stuff, for no apparent reason. He wanted to do it all in one trip, and was bored out of his mind. Fortunately, he was rescued by Vitreous Humor, Highsec Goddess’ mi0, lady aspin, and The Goddess’ Chosen.



Wolf Blut decided to shield tank his Mackinaw, but forgot his mining permit. He was evicted by Shilliam Watner, Ulianov, and GAY PRIDE BOOOOOM.

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