When James 315 died, in real-life, his last act was to clasp my dainty hand, and praise my name. He proudly proclaimed his little Princess, the black hole at the center of our universe, and he wanted to… but then he died, quite suddenly.
Recently, zombie James arose from the grave.
Technically, I dismantled the CODE. alliance, and I’m the only person to defeat James 315 in an honorable PvP duel. Good fight! So you would think antigankers might love me, but apparently not. Aiko is worse than James.
At least he admits the truth. I matter in a game, lol!
I decided to catch up with bizzaro universe 513 semaJ, in Isanamo.
He was mining in an Ibis.
Meanwhile, he ranted endlessly in local.
This didn’t make a good impression.
Eventually, we discussed politics.
In Miner’s Corner, I encouraged all miners to use a corvette.
Things quickly became personal.
Clearly, someone was off their meds.
Eventually, local Isanamoanites expressed concern.
This wasn’t just an anti-CODE protest, it was an anti-American protest.
Such is the caliber of ‘man’ who opposes me.
He loves mining, and he hates freedom.
He has particular disdain for certain states.
What a great guy!
My name is Aiko, and I’m the bad apple.
Looks like you ganked this guy’s brain with no insurance