Listening to: Fake Cop Gets Arrested

Antigankers are real plebs.

They’ve got nothing better to do.

Wee woo wee woo.

Wait, he’s extorting me?

See what I did there?

Miner Revenge wanted antiganker Lu’Ce to STFU.

So the antiganker suspected him of being me.

I’m not Aiko!

Even miners hate antigankers.

I do James work (he’s permanently AFK).

Every miner must drink Jamestown Koolaid.

Drink up.

Thank James for me.

In Osmon, Lu’Ce has found purpose.

She announces me.

I’ve made a lot of new friends!

Revenge is Mary’s alt?

Antigankers have it all figured out.

Stay tuned!

*Plot Twist*

Lu’Ce secretly conspires with gankers.
