Riddle Me This, Part III

Riddle Me This, Part 1

Previously, in James 315 space… Riddle Voldemort was an evil miner, who lost everything when he hastily gave it all away.

Nine minutes later, he began to regret his investment.

Bankrupt and alone, Riddle finally hit rock bottom.

Riddle swore eternal fealty, trusting upon the mercy of Princess Aiko.

Consequently, he was lawfully convicted of botting.

Riddle was fortunate to hear the divine wisdom of royalty.

He thus received a new quest, to fetch 960 million isk.

Riddle truly loved his holy Princess.

What a happy miner.

Riddle lingered in the royal court, eager for additional favour.

Ultimately, he was a satisfied peasant.

What a lucky fellow.



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