Previously on James315.Space… Gripen ANM was a Highsec space tree. Although Gripen’s crab skin was tough and snarled, inedible and gross, his branches and hangars sprouted with bountiful isk and luscious spaceships. Gripen wasn’t entirely sure that CODE. agents were his real-life friends, but he began to calm down after they took his Orca, drones, interceptor, random frigates, and podded his blingy implants. Gripen decided this was the best time to put everything on a single spin of the roulette wheel, and find out if he had won a free all expenses paid trip to the Delve. 1DQ or bust!
As Gripen began to run out of assets, it wasn’t clear whether he had enough to feed everyone who assembled for the feast. Fortunately, Gripen had a few alts which he immediately offered to toss on the barbie. Good on ya, mate!
Viper Zero Iwaira pretended to be just a noob, learning to play the game with Silent Company. In reality, she was a disgusting alt, and a convicted botting offender. Within her hangars, our agents discovered no less than THREE (3) Rokhs! Yes, that’s right, some miners are too lazy to warp from one system to another, and they keep fully fitted Rokhs in hidden stockpiles all across our fair Highsec.
Everyone was shocked to learn Gripen was not merely a common dejure miner, but a literal bot aspierant, who shamefully defaced asteroids and sought to seize nature’s bounty for himself. In such cases, the CODE. of Newe Halaima has only one proscription, the complete and utter destruction of intergalactic minery.
Gripen was invited to double down, trading skill injectors for skill extractors, within the luxurious Tranquility Trading Tower. I’ve talked to a lot of people in EVE, who adamantly refuse to believe that Highsec miners will make this trade, over and over until there is absolutely nothing left. All I can say is that those who doubt us, and those who deny us, they are our greatest allies. We can never be defeated, because by the time a miner views us as a threat, we have already won. Always!
The trade deals just got better and better. Unfortunately, as with all good things, Gripen’s time in EVE was soon coming to an end. Search teams fanned out across the theme park, hunting down every misplaced asset.
In addition to 100+ billion isk worth of tangible items, Gripen held various pieces of intellectual and social property.
For example, he was the leader of his own in-game channel, a mining corporation, and even a surprisingly well-populated Discord community.
Each of these was liquidated to serve the interests of the New Order.
After entrusting a rabid raccoon as his successor, Gripen dutifully biomassed himself. In those final moments, TheInternet TweepsOnline TheInternet asked Gripen whether he felt “taken care of”. Without hesitation, Gripen replied, “Yes, absolutely. Thank you.” That’s right, and then he was gone forever.
The moral of the story is thus. If you are a Highsec apple tree, know that you will grow and flourish so long as we allow. However, if and when we decide to harvest, then we shall take as we please. If that means the tree is shewn unto the woodchipper, then that is the fate it deserves. One doesn’t sit and think about what the tree wants, as it exists merely to provide unto those who tend the garden.
As for Gripen ANM, one might wonder what happens to EVE miners once they are deleted and erased from existence. As it turns out, Gripen became a cute little catgirl, and she occasionally checks in via Discord.
Sources confirm that Gripen is using his new-found freetime to read the EVE Online EULA and research his rights and responsibilities.
The biovat chambers were dark, and everyone had gone home. The air was rich with the stench of decaying proteins, and the floor was slick with reprocessed fluids. Something was moving in the dim light, slithering from a vat. Yes, it was zombie Gripen, raised from the dead, and loyal unto the New Order. Bears be scared!
omg that stupid miner