Highsec Miner Grab Bag #241

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #240

Yesterday was the end of an era.

Fortunately, I’ve got the awesome essentials right here.

Ganking is griefing, so I deserve abuse — right?

Awww, that’s so romantic!

Another IRL threat that CCP gameminers will blame on me.

I thought the story of Olanlee Andrews couldn’t get crazier. However, it appears GM IceCream doesn’t do basic fact checking. He sent ban warnings to people who didn’t gank Olanlee, but never bothered to check the killboard or contact anyone who was involved. I’m sorry, but that’s just lazy (and unprofessional).

Assette Pellion has a warning for Big Willies PVP Madness.

Elisabeth Canary still wants to buy those Harvester drones.

I love to help!

Camelot2010 apparently lost a ship.

7o capsuper!

Racist moon miner MOONWIBE was just roleplaying.

Plagiominer Atima Avada isn’t scared.

Sometimes my alts get emails.

Miners just want a square deal.

Are they sain or insain?

This wasn’t her first arrest…

Wutevz. Bye, ttyl.

Ok, one more.

I wonder where his ship went?

Toxic IceCream

As you already know, I am EVE’s greatest historian.

Recently, GM Senior GM IceCream accused gankers of “griefing” and “harassment”. This is the same GM who teleported his titan, to avoid a lossmail. A lot of people felt this was cheating, and it was. This is also the same GM who banned Cliff Ozuwara, wrongly asserting that pulling CONCORD is an exploit. Cliff was subsequently unbanned, but this rogue GM is still out there, trying to redefine the rules.

James 315 knew my pain. I honestly don’t know if I’m allowed to post, clip, annotate, discuss, screenshot, highlight, or paraphrase GM statements. I’ve heard multiple interpretations of the rules, all with their own supporting citations. Unfortunately, CCP is notoriously unwilling to provide clear communication.

Krig has authorized me to share his response.

Click below to expand the screenshot.

Believe it or not, but Safety. is not the only ganker guild. Another group, one I’ve never heard of, ganked a streamer without any involvement from us. Subsequently, IceCream conducted a thorough investigation, and has threatened to permanently ban “without appeal” numerous gankers (including myself). Let me be clear, I had no involvement with this gank. IceCream has even acknowledged that I was not involved. However, he is still threatening to ban me, because my “cohort” is guilty.

I conducted my own investigation. Olanlee Andrews made numerous IRL death threats, including “go light yourselves on fire, and blow your brains out” and “you deserve one in the head.” This miner stated that he understands why spree shooters kill people, and blamed gankers for triggering IRL mass shootings. I find this narrative credible, because miners frequently make such comments.

IceCream feels gankers are responsible for toxic behavior. When a ganker kills a miner, it’s apparently understandable that a miner would make IRL death threats. IceCream believes gankers should be banned, so that miners don’t have these “emotional” thoughts. IceCream stated this is not open to debate, and he will not discuss it.

IceCream is also aware that Kalvaen Voidwalker (aka Lulu) pretended to commit suicide. He knows about this, because Kalvaen is actually my alibi. At the very moment Olanlee was ganked, I was reporting Kalvaen to CCP.

Kalvaen didn’t just threaten suicide. He pretended to actually commit suicide. However, IceCream feels I had no “ingame incentive” to gank for ORE strip miners, since it’s not profitable. The only logical explanation is that I am a griefer, and I left Kalvaen with “no resort” other than fake suicide. Yes, IceCream tried to justify Kalvaen’s behaviour, and blamed me for “griefing” the Mackinaw.

When miners get upset and freak out, because they are bad at a videogame, they know that GM Icecream will always blame us. It is our fault they are having a temper tantrum. In fact, we even told them to “calm down”.

Years ago, when James 315 was bumping about, he was threatened with a ban unless he justified his activity with “miner permit roleplay”. Nowadays, we are told this does not justify ganking, but it does justify violent IRL threats.

IceCream might ban all of us, but I am telling the truth.

The Highsec mining community is toxic.

Perfect -10

Dunk Dinkle ranked his favourite EvE players.

I’m a perfect -10.

Miners are always excited to see me.

They often have questions.

I love to help!

Anthony has been a good little miner!

His alts all have mining permits.

What a happy bear!

What could possibly be wrong?

Oh, right, he still needs a fleeting permit.

Anthony just had one more question.

It would only cost 100 175 million isk to get an answer.

I’m sure he’s paid all the fees — right?

Like omg, I’m like such a cutie!


I’ve heard the accusations.





This is some serious stuff.

If you want to report a crime, contact the police. I know what a judge would conclude. Case dismissed! You can submit Exhibit A, an edited chatlog from 2007, but it isn’t compelling. Of course, I want to acknowledge the theoretical possibility that there is some truth or substance to the allegations, but…

Mob justice is not justice.

That’s not cool!

Guilty until proven innocent?

I karttoon was right. I would know.

If you enable spergy whiteknight carebears, this happens.

What do we have here?

Wow, an Indian joked about India. That’s racist!

Wow, a gay made a gay joke. Oh no!

I’ve reviewed the evidence, and concur with my favourite sex pest.

Who do you believe?

These are the good guys?

Miners disgust me.

Grrrr Mittanimanbad PEDOWAFFE hathathat.

Welcome to EvE 2022, where my alliance is stronger than TEST.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Kento’s Box

Kento Bento Box has been reading my blog.

He wants some of this.

Would Kento figure out how to get published?

There’s one guaranteed way to get my attention.

The more you pay, the more I put out.

Inexplicably, Kento isn’t even in my alliance?

However, he’s welcome to join!

We are an alliance of innocent angels.

You can always write Aiko.

I want it so bad.

As Sun Tzu said, always talk to the miner.

They say the darnedest things.

Protip: Refusing to negotiate is a risky tactic.

Haha, that’s great stuff!



After Kalvaen committed suicide (in real life), I returned to Serren.

His fellow Goons were mourning, with a sad mining dirge.

Mongoly led the lamentations.

I wondered why Goon High Command would send miners to die in Highsec.

Plot Twist: Mongoly is a deserter, absent without leave.

Double Plot Twist: Kalvaen (aka Lulu) didn’t commit suicide?!?

Multiple sources indicate Kalvaen and Lulu are the same person.

Apparently, the ‘brothers’ have a history of suicide roleplay.

This is Dumb

Kalvaen is was(?) a Highsec miner.

I beat him in a videogame (twice).

I have no idea if Kalvaen subsequently committed suicide.

That’s pretty fucked up.

Don’t blame the gankers.

We are just playing the game.

I wish miners would act different.

They are so toxic.

Maybe they just need to calm down?

Mining is a privilege, not a right.

Don’t kill yourself over a little isk.

It’s literally just a game.

I have released an official statement.